Dear Ambitious.
I’m going to say something controversial, but hear me out: I don’t write my goals down. I don’t even like to think about my future goals in the way I used to. Wait, what?? Yes, it’s true. This is NOT to suggest that you shouldn’t have goals.
But I want to share a better way and the reasoning behind it.
My life is far better than I could have ever written down. Growing up, I knew a few things: I wanted to run my own business, make a lot of money, and have a family. Now, I have all three. However, if I had tried to conjure up my life at 20 and told the universe, “This is exactly what I want,” I would have sold myself short. When you say, “I want this” or “I need this” or “My goals are,” you’re subconsciously telling yourself that you don’t have these things—they are in the FUTURE. And guess when we enter the FUTURE? Never, because we are always right here, right now. Let’s bring the future to you.
Do this instead: (Using my example of the three things I wanted)
1: My own business, 2: Money, 3: Family.
MINDSET is key to all of this. Your brain may resist at first because it likes what is familiar. If you’ve been living in scarcity, that is where it feels comfortable (whether you like that statement or not—it’s true).
Here are the affirmations I use daily (feel free to change them to suit your desires, but always state them in the present tense):
Business:"I am capable, resourceful, confident, and have the energy to easily and effortlessly own and run my business. Everything is aligned with the right timing for all of this to occur. I trust that I can figure it all out." (Now breathe in and visualize yourself running your business NOW, as if it is happening NOW. Feel what you feel, see what you see, hear what you hear, maybe even notice a smell. You may feel nervous, grateful, or nothing at all. Keep going. Now visualize it bigger and better and send it off as if it is already done. The wheels are in motion. It’s happening… Emotions are key to getting into this synchronized frequency.)
Money:"I am abundant. Money circulates through me. I deserve wealth and financial freedom. It is all around me, flowing easily and effortlessly. I have everything I need, and it continues to show up. The universe (or God, Creator, or just you) is moving in the direction for everything to flow freely. I am able to financially take care of myself, everything around me, and help the world." (Now breathe in and visualize yourself with money circulating all around you easily NOW, as if it is happening NOW. Feel what you feel, see what you see, hear what you hear, maybe even notice a smell. You may feel nervous, grateful, or nothing at all. Keep going. Now visualize it bigger and better and send it off as if it is already done. The wheels are in motion. It’s happening… Emotions are key to getting into this synchronized frequency.)
Family:"I am lovable. I attract and sustain love. I am love, I have love, and I am a creator of love. I easily and effortlessly give and receive love. My heart is open. My family is love, and they are surrounding me now." (Now breathe in and visualize yourself with your family NOW, as if it is happening NOW. Feel what you feel, see what you see, hear what you hear, maybe even notice a smell. You may feel nervous, grateful, or nothing at all. Keep going. Now visualize it bigger and better and send it off as if it is already done. The wheels are in motion. It’s happening… Emotions are key to getting into this synchronized frequency.)
That’s it! Simple, right? Practice this DAILY, and in no time, you’ll be able to access this part of your brain to start manifesting your best life. (More on that later too.)